Class News
Units of Study
Routines, Routines, Routines
Everyday Mathematics Routines
Number of the Day Routines
Attendance Routines
Job Chart Routines
Monthly Calendar routines
Chapter 1
Establishing Daily Routines
Getting to Know Numbers 1-9
Comparing Numbers
Exploring Shape Combinations
Chapter 2
Learning 2-D shapes
Getting to Know Pattern Blocks
Comparing Numbers
Ten Frames
We are Readers Exploring the Exciting World of Books
In our first unit of study, students will become familiar with the routines of the reading workshop, and learn what readers do.
Launching the Writing Workshop
Students will be introduced to the writing workshop routines and learn to use writers' folder.
Turn and Talk
When I'm done, I've just begun!
Social Studies:
School and School Community
What is a school and What does it mean to be a good citizen of a school community?
School Community helps children learn
Rules to follow in the classroom
The Importance of respecting one another
Rights and responsibilities of citizens
How can we keep track of and analyze our weather patterns?
Observe and record weather.
Observe and find trend with weather.
Create and interpret bar graphs, circle graphs, and line graphs to note data.
5 Senses
What are the 5 senses?
How does your senses help you learn about the world?
Units of Study
Chapter 3
Monster Squeeze
Sequencing Numbers 0-20
Creating Number Books
Spin a Number
Roll and Record
Chapter 4
Getting to know Shapes by Feel
Favorite Color Graph
Meet the Calculator
Counting by 10s
Top It Game
Number Grid Explorations
Chapter 5
100th Day Celebration Activities
Be on the look out for class projects for the 100th Day!
Roll and Record using Dot Dice
Shapes All Around
Teen numbers 11-20
Double Ten Frames
Addition Symbol (+)
Equal Symbol (=)
Number Scroll
Shape Combinations to create new shapes.
Readers Study Patterns in Big Books and Little Books to Help Us Read and Talk about Books.
Students will become familiar with the patterns in the book and carrying the pattern across pages. Students will recognize the pattern.. Students will also learn they need to observe the pattern carefully because of the “TWIST” endings.
How Can We Write Books Like Those That We Read?
Students will be using combinations of drawing, dictating, and writing to compose a pattern book using the sight words they have learn.
“ I like to ____”
I can ___”
“Look at my ___”
“Can you see the _____?”
Social Studies:
Self and Others’ Families
Students will learn about families and what the characteristics of a family.
What makes up a family?
Students will learn about different customs and diversity within our town.
We will be learning about winter, and winter holidays.
What winter holidays do we celebrate?
We family traditions do we have?
Students will learn why learning is important, how people learn, and what it means to be a good citizen.
Units of Study
Chapter 6
Compare Heights
Pet Graphs
Comparing and Ordering Lengths
Comparing 2D and 3D Shapes
Subtraction Symbol (-)
Growing (+) and Disappearing (-) Train
Number Stories with Symbols (+, -, =)
Math Facts (0-5)
Chapter 7
Domino Addition
Solid Shape Match Up Game
Pan Balance: Comparing weights
Number Stories
Dice Addition
Math Facts (0-5)
Reading About Ourselves and Our World: Reading for Information
Students will be able to explore Non-Fiction/ Informational Texts.
Non Fiction readers see more than the texts on the page.
Nonfiction Readers can read more than one book about a topic to compare and contrast.
Procedural Writing: How-To-Books
Students will learn to use their writing to teach people.
Students will be able to write clear, sequential directions.
Is it longer or shorter?
What is a standard measurement?
How do we measure?
Motion and Force
How will a push or a pull effect an object?
How can a push or pull be applied to an object to change it’s direction?
Units of Study
Chapter 8
Children use their sense of touch to recognize, describe, and analyze 3-dimensional shapes and their attributes.
Children model 2-dimensional and 3-dimensional shapes.
Children count forward from numbers other than 1 throughout the 1-100 sequence.
Children use bundles of ten and single craft sticks to represent numbers greater than ten.
Children find number pairs that add to 10.
Children compare numbers and place them in order from smallest (least) to largest (greatest).
Chapter 9
Children play a game using shape and positional language to describe and re-create pattern-block designs.
Children identify and use addition and subtraction rules.
Children explore measurable attributes of backpacks.
Children compare the capacity and weight of backpacks.
Children create classroom maps.
Children use a pan balance to explore units of weight.
Children add and represent "doubles" addition facts.
Reading Workshop:
Readers get to know characters by pretending and performing our books!
How do readers bring their characters to live by reading with expression?
How can readers study characters and form opinions about what those characters are like?
Writers Workshop:
Raising the Quality of Small moments.
Authors As Mentors:
Moving back into Personal Narratives
How do writers zoom in on one small moment?
Socials Studies:The Neighborhood
Students will learn about neighborhoods and that they contain many different people and places.
Where do you live?
What types of places are found in a neighborhood?
Who are the people in your neighborhood?
Community Helpers
Living Things/Sunlight & Energy
How similar are the needs of plants and animals?
How are the place where animals and plants live related to their needs?
How do plants and animals change their environment to meet their needs?
How can we reduce impact of human changes on the Earth?